House Talk Radio with Host Tony and Wendy Gambone and Special Guest Rafael E. Salazar II
Rafael is a licensed Occupational Therapist practicing in the State of Georgia, Rafael E. Salazar II, MHS, OTR/L has worked in a variety of settings focusing on the adult population to include skilled nursing, long term care, subacute rehabilitation, acute care, and outpatient specialty care. Rafael serves on the Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy as a Licensed Board Member and has taught as an adjunct faculty instructor at Augusta University in the Graduate OT Program. He previously held a position with the Augusta VA Medical Center, serving in the outpatient specialty clinic as a lead clinician and clinical education coordinator for OT. He has extensive experience treating adult patients with a variety of neurological, musculoskeletal, and cognitive dysfunctions. He is active as a leader in the profession, serving as a volunteer and subject matter expert with NBCOT for item development and enhancement for the national certification examination, and has also been appointed to the Clinical Simulation Committee for NBCOT. In August 2018, he was elected to the Board of Directors for NBCOT. After several years as lead clinician in an outpatient specialty clinic, Rafael left the VA to begin consulting with the State of Georgia, assisting in transitioning individuals with ID/DD from State-run institutions to community residences; a position that allowed him to leverage his clinical knowledge & expertise as well as his ability to effectively communicate, educate, and train people in order to ensure that the individuals transitioning from these institutions received the highest quality care and support possible.