Tough Talk Christian Radio with Host Tony Gambone and Special Guest Harold Brown:
Harold E. Brown is a native New Yorker. He’s lived in the Bronx, Harlem and Freeport Long Island. He is a lover of the great outdoors and loves to travel. He has lived in Canada and has settled in California. Family is a very important part of his life so he spends much of his free time enjoying the family. Most of all Harold is a people person. He loves people. Don’t be surprised if he just walks up and starts a conversation with you. Harold is fluent in English, Spanish and sign language. He’ll even hold a conversation with you in German and Hebrew too.
“If I Don’t Lose Momentum“, a riveting tale based on real life experiences, is but the first of what will become a series of captivating novels to be written by Harold E. Brown that you are sure to enjoy. .