Tough Talk Christian Radio with Struggles with Anger and Sexuality

Tough Talk Christian Radio with Struggles with Anger and Sexuality

Tough Talk Christian Radio with Struggles with Anger and Sexuality

Tough Talk Christian Radio with Struggles with Anger and Sexuality

Tough Talk Christian Radio with Tony Gambone with Special Guest Michael Jaquith

I’ve been in the mathematical science fields for my entire adult life. Born and raised in northern Michigan, my parents divorced as I entered Middle School after a not-quite-perfect marriage.  They taught me to work hard and in 2003 I earned both a B.S. in Chemistry and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Michigan Technological Institute.  I then went to Cornell University in upstate New York, earning my Ph.D. in Chemistry in Jan 2009.  I loved the midwest and assumed I’d never leave it.

 However, when I started looking for a job, the economy tanked and only one company was hiring: on the west coast. In February I moved to the pacific northwest; I had never imagined I’d move so far from family.  After finding a job, I discovered I had the right mentality to thrive in this otherwise “crazy” environment (imagine a bee-hive on methamphetamine).  Within a year I met Sterling, we were married 9 months later. Through the pains of marriage, it quickly became clear to me that I had no idea what a good husband was supposed to do.

 I questioned whether or not I could do it at all.  I met a couple men who were in the trenches as well, and we started meeting regularly to share stories and encouragement.  Then, a man named Ben changed my life: he introduced me to audio books and talks. I have a long ways to go.  That’s perhaps one of the more painful parts of growth.  It’s like climbing a mountain: each ridge you summit only reveals how much further up the mountain goes.  

But along the way, it’s amazing to see how much better my relationships at home, work, church, everywhere get with each new ridge.  It’s worth it.